Thursday, July 30, 2009

A year older... and none the wiser.

Man… talk about birthday weekends.

I’m not entirely sure how to describe the epic debauchery that went on over time between Friday evening and Sunday morning, but I’m sure as hell going to try.

First of all, lets clarify that yes, it was my birthday on Sunday, July 26, and what a birthday it was.

We started off Friday night by attending an event at the Forbidden City in Clarke Quay, and were treated to some pretty good sounds by their guest DJ from France. I ended up staying there for a couple of hours and having some beers and numerous glasses of a strange orange colored concoction that I will aptly name “hangover juice”.

After getting a little drunk (which equates to about 10 drinks), I had the bright idea of going to Zouk since it seemed that all of my friends were there.

Sure Carlo, great fucking idea, go to a place where you know you’ll need to drink to deal with the crowd on the day before your big birthday bash.

Suffice to say, it was packed. With me being such a genius, you know that I would TOTALLY check whether or not there was a popular act at Zouk on a Friday night right? God I wish. It turned out Crookers were playing and I was going to have to deal with more mayhem than usual!

Let me point out now that I can’t stand big crowds, they make me want to hit people in the back of the head.

Needless to say, I ended up drinking. A lot.

What was supposed to be a quiet night ended up involving tequila, and anyone who knows me KNOWS bad things happen when I deal with tequila.

Still, it ended up being entertaining, and I made it home at a reasonable hour thanks to my best friend Tiffany giving my drunk ass a ride home at around 4 am.

Saturday morning was one of those moments in life where you wake up and go “Fuck, I really shouldn’t have done that”. Feeling rough and destroyed, I ended up having to force myself to sweat it out on the basketball court so that I could survive the coming storm…

Best idea I ever had.

Fast forward a few hours later, and the night begins.

My… what a night it was!

After having a few drinks at my house with a couple of friends, we headed down to Le Noir, where people decided to keep buying me drinks even though I said I needed to pace myself. That didn’t work out too well, and I was definitely already feeling a bit warm by the time we went to Attica. Oh well, at least I got a nice chocolate cake for free!

Oh, and I should probably mention that me being Carlo, missed it when people sang and presented a cake for my birthday because I was outside having a cigarette at midnight. This shit only happens to me!

Attica was unbelievably fun, and I say that even though I don’t remember the tail end of it.

After getting one of the VIP tables upstairs, I ended up ordering one of those three liter bottles of Belvedere (I was going to get the six liter one but since people started ordering other bottles I figured I’d be prudent).

Ah… and more shots… and flaming cocktails… and a couple of chugged drinks down the road.

This is where my memory of the night begins to turn into a powerpoint slide, with me only remembering tiny little flashes.

In a nutshell, here’s what I remember: chugging a drink, talking to some cute blonde girl, chugging a drink, talking to some blurry faces, taking a flaming drink, jumping up on the chairs and being merry, taking a shot, biting a bunch of my chick friends.

Then I wake up at my house...


Missing my shirt.

With a massive hangover.

All I can say is, I think It was an unbelievably epic weekend, especially since I capped off Sunday by having a massive steak with the family at Morton’s. God I love that place. Sure it’s pricey, but you’ll get some GOOD ASS STEAK! The 200 or so you’ll pay for your meal is more than worth it.

I’d have to say this year’s birthday was a success, seeing as everyone that I wanted to see came, and my boy Danny even extended his return home to Jakarta so that he could make it for my birthday party. I’d name everyone but that would take a separate blog entry!

All I can say is much love to everyone that came and gave their wishes, and I really appreciate the fact that you all showed up. I’m hoping next year (when I hit the big quarter century) is even CRAZIER!!!

- Carlo

P.S: I can’t share the story of getting headbutted by some random, mainly because I don’t remember that part. So ask someone else not me! Hahaha.

1 comment:

  1. Do you happen to remember sitting on the sofa next to me and falling off constantly......:P Apparently Rob said you were headbutted while i was basically it happened right in front of me but i don't remember..
