Monday, July 20, 2009

Degeneratism 101


As everyone can see, Caryn’s already been super busy updating the blog.

While I’d really like to have had something up before now, extenuating (alcohol related) circumstances have prevented me from putting up my first post until now.

So… what DID go on last weekend?

We started off with Estelle’s playboy party, which had a decent turnout. The party itself at the Sail was entertaining (in its own way), though I’d have to say my ears bled a little from how loud the music was.

Then again, a little bit of noise shouldn’t be a problem when one’s chugging down a bottle or two of Grey Goose.

I do have to say though, I was expecting far more cute girls in skimpy outfits to show up. There were way too many clothes and way too few girls!

It was a pretty chilled out way to begin the weekend though, especially considering how quickly things spiraled out of control.

After a little (well, two hour) detour to the Tanglin Club for cheap drinks, I followed everyone up at Butter Factory, where just about everyone that was at the party seemed to be drunk past the point of no return.

It’s around this point that we see our other favorite protagonist, Caryn, looking dazed and confused after way too much liquor.

Butter was packed and entertaining as usual, and the crowd was pretty decent. I couldn’t really tell you how the music was though, considering the toxic mix of whiskey, tequila, jagermeister and vodka that my poor liver was trying to process.

Ah… but I wish that was the end of the night. While the other soldiers decided to go home and get some rest, a few of us decided to have a post-clubbing poker game.

That was not a good idea.

I guess it wouldn’t have been so bad if we had stopped drinking while we played, but who the hell does that? If you’re going to push through the morning, you may as well drink! Like the geniuses that we were, me and Danny (a good friend who seems to always be around when I get myself into entertaining trouble), busted out a bit more booze to get things rolling.

It was only seven hours, two McDonalds deliveries and a whole lot of poker played later that we realized it was 2 pm.

The rest of the weekend developed in a normal (albeit uninteresting) manner. After getting three hours of sleep, Saturday was spent at Supper Club and Attica, where once again, there was far too much vodka and tequila, and way too little sanity. On a side note, we found out that Balcony bar now has a closing time?! What the fuck? Where the fuck am I supposed to drink after all the clubs close???

You’d imagine that two such nights would be enough for a human being… But think again. I can’t go into details about what went on Sunday, but suffice to say it was rife with more entertainment and drinking.

Now I look forward to a week of recovery…

- Carlo

Shameless plug of the day: So… anyone got a card game they want to invite me to?

1 comment:

  1. Hey hey hey!! I was not that drunk.... at least i remembered everything on Friday night ;) and Danny was here again and i did not see him??????
